Dr. David Kim
Founder, Board Chair & Headmaster
Dr. David Kim founded Veritas in 2012 and has been its headmaster since. He graduated from University of Pennsylvania double majoring in East Asian Studies and Germanic Literature. Thereafter, he studied theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. For his Ph.D., he studied at Baylor University for 3 years, majoring in Systematic Theology, and double minoring in Philosophy and English, and finished at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as the National Director for Student For Christ campus ministry, taught at a Seminary, served as EM and KM pastor at several Korean-American churches, before starting Veritas. He loves to read the Church Fathers, Reformers, Puritans, C.S. Lewis, and other Great Books. He taught Latin, Rhetoric, and Bible classes at Veritas. He loves to enjoy nature and works of art with his family. His favorite Bible verse is John 8:32, from which he named the school “Veritas.”