Dear Veritas Families,
I hope you and your family are doing well amidst a historic upheaval in the world. As one parent put it, “it is surreal.” But as I have been reflecting on God’s Word, I am more encouraged to see God’s sovereignty behind all this, and that with a proper perspective and attitude, much of this can turn into blessings. Yesterday I was reflecting on Ps 85 where through great trials, God calls us not only to repent and turn our hearts to him, but also to return to the fear of God and walking in obedience to His ways. This morning, I was reflecting on Romans 5:1-5, which assures me that God wants to produce joy and hope of his glory through suffering.
One of the chief ways that our situation can turn into blessing is by parents spending time with their children to remember and learn about our God together. Some of you remember me saying at the beginning of the year that the reason I prayerfully chose the theme of discipleship this year was to emphasize the need for parents (and teachers) to spend time together with children learning about God. And covid-19 situation provides us a perfect excuse to do that. I am sure God wants us to do that, because that’s how God’s wisdom and virtue is passed down from one generation to the next. That’s how we experience the glory of God.
Here are some tips on what you could do with your children in fulfillment of God’s promises.
Read the Bible everyday in the morning, before or after dinner. Read from Psalms, or a Bible Reading Plan that mixes 3 or 4 parts of the Bible evenly. Keep it short, max of 1 chapter, 10-15 minutes. A parent should lead this. Parent leading makes all the difference. Even if children do the reading and praying, a parent needs to take responsibility of leading this.
Keep a Journal. At Veritas, all students 3rd grade and up should be keeping Commonplace, which is like a journal, except that in a Commonplace, students write down a passage from anything they read or heard that is inspiring, insightful and encouraging. Parents should begin a Commonplace/Journal. This is the gamechanger. Many families in classical education are doing this. Just sharing around the dinner table what people have in their Commonplace will revitalize the family.
Walk Together. There is a reason why in Dt 6, God mentions walking together as a family. That is not because they did not have TV back then. It is where family can really share their love toward one another, and toward God. It is where real discipleship can take place. Whenever I walk with my family, which is very frequent these days, I feel great because I get exercise, and our bond becomes stronger. Parents need to make sure that all of our conversations are edifying and God-honoring.
Read a Classic Book Together. Reading great books should be an extension and application of reading the Bible. It will make your family rich in wisdom and love. If you are limited in English, there are the audio versions, or have your children read to you, even if the teachers do not require them to. I will make available a short list of recommended books for families to read together.