Integration of Christian Worldview in Education as a Game Changer
Dear Veritas Families,
Peace and grace in the name of Christ. I hope your family is doing well.
I hope that despite the many new challenges you have been able to find blessings from God.
I wanted to both update you on some of the things we are doing to prepare for next year, and to encourage you with how integration of faith and Christian worldview into your child’s education will make the ultimate difference in the kind of person and leader your child will be in the future.
First the update. In staff/faculty personnel, we have been working on both further training the current teachers and raising the bar of criteria for new staff/faculty. We are planning on spending 2 additional weeks in the summer for teachers to work on curriculum. All staff & teachers will also be encouraged to attend the free online ACCS conference this summer. (Parents may participate as well for free!)
On curriculum development, we have already begun the process of refining goals for each grade, developing a clearer scope & sequence, updating textbooks and teacher resources, and designing lesson plans that are even more consistent with time-tested classical methods.
On marketing, we have been developing our new-formatted newsletter, and have begun to work on a brand-new website, with a professional web-designer. We are also planning to produce booklets that will explain our vision and program in much greater detail. On school signage, we have been given the permission by the Branches church to put up a banner on the fence.
On preparation of the rooms, we have created a Campus Beautification Team to decorate the rooms with elegant, classical designs in line with the aesthetic vision of classical education, and to the maximum extent allowed by the Branches church. You may also know that we will gain 3 small rooms in Building A next year, which enabled us to open the Junior Kindergarten class with 4 students enrolled already.
But all this preparation serves as decorations on the most important aspect of education at Veritas: the integration of faith and Christian worldview with every aspect of education. With every year, I am growing in my conviction that discipling model of education, integration of faith/Christian worldview, and classical methods of teaching are the “secret sauces” to education that produces truly great leaders in the world. Here are the hard results you can expect:
A Genuine Deep Hunger for God and His Kingdom. Every year, I see students graduating from Veritas with a deep hunger for God and his kingdom. At every major fork in the road, they will choose to follow God and his kingdom, and not the world. This is the material of truly great leaders.
Persuasive Public Defenders of the Christian Faith. By the time students graduate from Veritas, they know that they are in the frontlines of historic spiritual battles. In response to God’s call in 1 Peter 3:15, they are “prepared” to provide a persuasive and reasonable presentation of the Christian Faith, not just to defend, but also to impact the culture and the policies of our nation.
Compassionate and Visionary Leaders. Classically-trained students know how to face challenges, analyze them at the root of the problems, propose God-honoring solutions, and communicate them to their community with compassion.
Truly Brilliant Scientists. A personal relationship with Christ and a deep conviction of Christian worldview are sine qua non (absolute essential) of producing a true scientist. Besides witnessing students at Veritas grow to love science and math, Reading Rodney Stark’s For the Glory of God has done more than any other book to convince me of this.