Dear Veritas Families,
It is the last week of school. All the classes are finished. We just have the promotions and graduations left. It has been an unbelievably great year. I am so thankful for so many things.
I am thankful for all the new families that joined our school this year, and who were able to acclimate into the Veritas community and the classical vision. I am thankful for all the older families for continual growth as parents and as a community. I am thankful for amazing teachers, who not only genuinely loved their students, but who discipled them and led them closer to God in so many ways. I am thankful for an amazing office and support staff, who worked so hard to provide the support for the growing needs in all aspects of the school.
But I am most thankful for the fellowship that has been and is being forged among the members of Veritas community. It is a unique fellowship because of its unique vision of radical discipleship in Christ. It is our common vision and common love that brings us together. We may have begun our journey with vast amount of differences, but every day, as we draw closer to Christ and his vision for our families, we draw closer to each other. I believe these are the very foundations of the City that God is building. And the impact of those fellowships will go much beyond the walls of Veritas. It will impact our culture and your children’s children.
I am excited about the next phase of growth, as we prepare for next year. Because of all the great evidences of God’s grace this year, I am reminded of the words of the apostle Peter in the beginning of the early church. May the Lord bless and keep you and your children.
“For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself” (Acts 2:39)